Don’t Delay Treating TMJ

The temporomandibular joint refers to the main joint in your jaw that controls its ability to move and therefore chew, speak, and more. Under abnormal pressure, the muscles in this area can experience tension and become inflamed. This may make it harder to move your jaw, and you might feel chronic pain there as a result.

Dentists refer to this concern as TMJ, and you will need treatment from your dentist to resolve these symptoms or they may worsen. You can feel more encouraged to schedule a dental evaluation when you know the risks of untreated TMJ. Read on to learn three reasons why you should talk to your dentist about TMJ treatment as soon as you can.

Don't Delay Treating TMJ

Improve Jaw Function

Many factors can contribute to the formation of TMJ, and your dentist can diagnose the root cause of the joint problem to resolve these uncomfortable symptoms. When you have TMJ you might start to notice that soreness and tightness in the area will make it more difficult to complete your usual daily functions.

You might hear a clicking noise when you open and close your jaw. And it might start to feel stiff when you attempt to move it, meaning you may struggle to eat or speak. This can ultimately lead to issues with your diet and other complications as you try to work around this dysfunction.

Treat TMJ instead so that you can find relief and complete your usual activities as you normally would. Schedule an appointment with your dentist today to find the right treatment for your specific needs.

Relieve Oral Pain

One of the primary symptoms stemming from TMJ is pain in the jaw. You can notice chronic soreness that will radiate from the teeth down to the jaw. It can feel excruciating and debilitating enough to impact your daily life.

You should not have to suffer through oral pain of any kind. Contact your dentist for an urgent evaluation of discomfort anywhere in your jaw. It often points to a larger dental concern that will require intervention from your dentist to relieve. TMJ treatment might involve fixing alignment concerns or bite problems or wearing a custom night guard.

Prevent Dental Damage

If you suffer from TMJ, you could also be at risk of other dental problems. Treating TMJ will therefore prevent further harm from impacting your smile. For instance, misaligned teeth could increase your risk of cavities or gum disease if you cannot keep your teeth as clean as you can.

People with TMJ and bite problems also often struggle with habits like teeth grinding or clenching, also known as bruxism. Not only could this hurt your jaw, but constant grating of the teeth could wear down your tooth enamel and cause a dental injury.

Avoid these dental problems by treating bruxism as well as TMJ. Contact your dentist to learn more and find a dental solution that works best for you.