Can Snoring Hurt My Oral Health?

Many people snore at night without realizing it. Though it may annoy your partner, this behavior could also pose a risk to your health. Loud snoring might be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. And snoring may also mean an individual breathes through their mouth during the night, a habit that could hurt their teeth and gums.

Your dentist can help protect your smile and treat snoring symptoms in many cases. Schedule a consult to see how your dentist can address this sleep disorder. Read on to learn more about snoring and how it can harm your oral health over time.

snoring leads to oral health problems

Risks of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is a disorder in which the soft tissues at the back of the throat collapse for brief intervals while an individual sleeps. This creates a blockage of the airway so that breathing ceases for a short moment. While this action does not create an acute emergency, the continued cessation of breathing may lead to long-term health concerns.

For instance, airway blockages can put strain on the heart, heightening the risk of cardiac arrest and other severe problems. Lack of good sleep may also lead to cognitive issues. You may wake up feeling groggy, but over time, you may also notice memory problems and more.

Therefore, if you snore, you may want to consult your doctor. A doctor can offer effective sleep apnea treatment, but your dentist can help with mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea too.

Your dentist can give you a custom-made night guard to wear as you sleep. This oral appliance can keep your jaw in a position to prevent the collapse of muscles at the back of the throat. Then you can see reduced snoring, improved sleep quality, and a drop in many medical risks.

Mouth Breathing Leads to Dry Mouth

Many people who snore will also breathe through their mouths as they sleep. Though you cannot control the way that you sleep, this behavior could lead to oral health problems that may impact your overall well-being.

Mouth breathing may cause the mouth to dry out, creating an environment where the natural bacteria of your mouth can spread with ease. This will increase your risk of oral infections like gum disease.

This infection of the gum tissue requires treatment from a dentist to eradicate. If left untreated, gum disease may lead to irreversible dental damage, including tooth loss.

The inflammation in the gums from this disease might also link to the body’s inflammatory response. This could mean you might suffer from more severe complications if you contract another illness.

Treat periodontal problems like this as soon as possible. But you can avoid this issue by stopping mouth breathing and dry mouth. Consult with your dentist about your snoring habits. They can help you sleep easier and without risk to your oral health. If you notice that you have chronic dry mouth, your dentist can help you resolve this issue and keep your smile safe.